Ignite kids
on sunday
Ignite a desire to follow Jesus

Newborn - 2 years
Wonderful care-givers help provide a secure and caring environment for your little one.
A separate nursing room is available with a TV that streams the service.

2 - 4 years
Your child will learn about God, His Word & how much He loves them through singing, hands-on activities & Bible lessons.

JK - Grade 5
The Bible will be made real to kids through Bible discovery and hands on activities.
Check in on a Sunday morning

Your child's safety is important to us!
When you arrive on a Sunday morning, our friendly KidCheck crew will help you set up an account on our tablets and make sure your kids are in the correct rooms for the morning.
You and your child will receive matching tags – one to be on their back – that you will use to pick up your child at the end of the service.
If there is ever an issue where we need to contact you, you will be texted during the service to come to the classroom.
To save time on a Sunday morning, you are welcome to create a secure KidCheck account ahead of time, by clicking the KidCheck image below
Please be sure you choose “Parkdale Baptist Church” as the location.